If you are already enrolled in recurring electronic giving (e-Giving) through our OSV system, contact the parish office if you need assistance to modify or discontinue this payment method. You can contact Jessica Sagers at 361-991-4400 or jsagers@sjbcctx.org.
If you have questions about making any special designated gifts, please contact us at 361-991-4400or jsagers@sjbcctx.org
Step 1: Visit the "Create Account" link below.
Step 2: Click the button "CREATE NEW ACCOUNT"
Step 3: Fill out information requested on the intial form. ***Be sure to write down login information***
Step 4: You will have immediate access to your personal St. John the Baptist Giving Page.
Step 5: In the "Upcoming Gifts" section, click the Add Gift button.
Step 6: Select Weekly Contribution.
Step 7: Click the "Give Now" button.
Step 8: A Configure Gift box will pop up. Enter the following information -
a) Gift Amount
b) Gift Type (select Recurring)
c) Frequency (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.)
d) Choose a start date and click Continue
Step 9: Enter payment Information and click Add Payment Method.
Step 10: Click "Complete" button.
Step 11: A confirmation will be sent to the email you provided.